Friday, July 31, 2009

Ray tracing BOF at SIGGRAPH

On Tuesday from 5-6pm in the Sheraton we'll have some ray tracing demos from academics and industry. We should be able to stay in the room after for more demos and talking. Should be an informal affair. Hope to see you there!


Ian Romanick said...

I missed the ray tracing BoF (I was at the "Fluid Simulation" technical paper session instead), but I was at the teaching computer graphics panel the following morning.

That was a really useful panel. It was really good to hear some of the same issues and concerns that I have echoed from veteran graphics teachers. I had been really worried about the program where I teach until I heard you say that "math is bad everywhere". Now I don't feel so bad about having to spend so much time on linear algebra! :)

Drake said...

I also missed that BoF and are there gonna any other way to see those demos?

EpSiLoN74 said...

I am really interested to see the talk: Interactive Ray Tracing: Where Is It Now, and Where Is it Going? Is there a way to obtain this talk?

Anonymous said...

Will you be presenting at Siggraph 2011?