Sunday, March 1, 2015

New track at EGSR

The Eurographics Symposium on Rendering has long been my favorite conference but its success over the years has been a double-edged sword as flaky/incomplete/risky papers get edged out by the polished papers. Some great papers are also polished so that is the good side of the sword. I am very happy that this year the symposium is trying a new and I think very good thing to try to get the best of the old and new conference. From the CFP: "This year brings some changes to the submission process: the introduction of a second “Experimental Ideas & Implementations” track in addition to the traditional EGSR papers track (the “CGF track”). Authors have the choice of submitting their work to either the CGF track, the experimental track, or both." Here is the call for papers.

1 comment:

Phil Dutré said...

The idea is indeed to attract more submissions and more experimental not-yet-polished-stuff to EGSR.

Hopefully this will succeed, the success of the new track will of course be measured by how many people will submit to it ...